Hurricane Harvey ****UPDATE****
Imagine was suppose to have a departure date of August 26th, 2017 around 11 AM. Hurricane Harvey had other plans for us. This storm had been tracked for a long time, and I surely thought once it hit Yucatan Peninsula it would die. Harvey is a Zombie, came back to life with the very warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico and headed for Texas. One thought was to leave now, but the fear of being sucked back in was to great. We prepared for the storm, uncertain of the exact landfall and continued watching weather and models of the storm. Landfall was between Corpus Christi, Rockport , and Port Aransas, the pictures have been devastating of the damage. Homes, marinas, boats, and families destroyed by the power of the storm. For Imagine, we are on the dirty side of the storm about 150 miles away. Wind max for us was 40 kts, most of the time it was between 20-30 kts., caused no problems for us. Galveston Bay was stirred up and had very large swells....