
Showing posts from June, 2015


We have lived on our sailboat for almost a full year, and we made the pledge to keep her ready for sailing.  We sail often, but never have made a bigger trip to this date..  Most have been day sails, and a few overnight trips to Red Fish Island which is only a couple of hours away.  Our first planned and chartted trip came just a couple of weeks ago.  We left Kemah Tx. to Gaveston Tx. with only 28 NM, it is a big step for us.  A trip full of first for the botth of us. We get up early and set out by 8:00 AM so we can make the 5 hour journey and get there by early afternoon.  We took pictures to show our journey to Galveston, Tx. and to share with you. Pelicans on the first maker going out of our marina House on   Kemah Channel going out.   AKA The Flasher  Kemah Boardwalk just before going into the bay.  First time in the Houston Ship Channel.  Shrimp boat working in the bay.  "Bubba Gump"  First time in the ICW.  Firs...

What is it all about?

What is it all about? After living on our boat for almost 9 months we still get questions. You live on a boat?  Yes. What do you do when it rains?  Uh, watch TV, take a nap, read a book, what do you do? You have a kitchen?  No, we do not, we have a galley. What about a bathroom?  No, but we do have a head. You really live on a boat?  Yep.   Even though we are still in the marina, with cruising in the future we do get to have a lot of the same benefits.  I look around our marina and I see lots of lonely boats. Both sail and power that just sit, never visited or taken out to do what boats do.  To paint the picture we have the boats that sit and never visited, some of these are taken care of extremley well.  A few are rotting away with no love or hope for the future.  We have some that are visited by weekenders and they return back to dirt dwellers.   Then we have the live aboards who live day to day on their boat.   They give the...