We have lived on our sailboat for almost a full year, and we made the pledge to keep her ready for sailing. We sail often, but never have made a bigger trip to this date.. Most have been day sails, and a few overnight trips to Red Fish Island which is only a couple of hours away. Our first planned and chartted trip came just a couple of weeks ago. We left Kemah Tx. to Gaveston Tx. with only 28 NM, it is a big step for us. A trip full of first for the botth of us.
We get up early and set out by 8:00 AM so we can make the 5 hour journey and get there by early afternoon. We took pictures to show our journey to Galveston, Tx. and to share with you.
Pelicans on the first maker going out of our marina
This trip was filled with first for the both of us. We really enjoyed the weekend so much we did it agian the following week with our youngest. Virginia came down for a 4 day weekend visit, and we were both lucky enough to take a Friday off so we could do it.
We took a car down Thursday so we could avoid the expensive taxi rides. Plus Carol took Virginia back to the airpot on Sunday morning and I did my first SOLO trip back.
Finally a sunset from the weekend.
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