
Showing posts from February, 2016


South Texas can have some really nice cruising days in February.  You can tell it is going to be a great weekend when we see all the cars coming in on a Friday night into the marina with all the weekenders.  For us it is just another day living the life the only way we know how to.  We really try to keep the boat ready to go, and gain all the experience we can from each trip we take.  We did get a late start, but made great time getting down to Red Fish Island.  The wind was perfect for a good sail and we did not have to adjust anything after we got the course set and sails set.  It was really nice to feel the wind in the sails and enjoy not hearing a motor run.  We get to Red Fish anchor out with our MANTUS  anchor, and dinghy over to Mr. Happy which is a 65 foot Johnson that a Doctor has.  She is very proud of her "Johnson"!  They sponsored the party and had margaritas, and Mexican food.  Five boats decided to stay the night, with...

Mardi Gras 2016 Galveston Texas

We love to attend Mardi Gras, and we have always gone back to Louisiana to some small ones were my wife grew up.  Rumors were strong that Galveston has a pretty good parade, and they DO!  It is only about a 40 minute drive with minor traffic, but I figured with Mardi Gras comes food and some adult beverages.  So we decided for a sail to Galveston and stay at Pelican Rest Marina for the night.  Hitch a ride with some over our TMCA friends and we have a weekend! This is Imagine pulling out of Portofino Marina, and you can notice there is no wind, glass conditions, so the ole westerbeast will have to provide the power on this trip.  I tried once out in Galveston Bay to put the sails up, with no luck. Once we get into the Bay what a great view of the sun coming up. The forecast was for 40% chance of rain, and we got that at 0530 then we were left with a beautiful day.  Temps were a bit cool upper 40's then warmed to about Mid 50's ...

Gave up mowing grass for spraying off bird poop!

When we were still dirt dwellers, we mowed grass, weeded flower beds, raked leaves etc.  Not that I minded that to much, I enjoyed it when our yard was all trimmed, green, and had flowering plants.  It was relaxing to sit back, and enjoy the view looking at the lake. Something was missing in our life.  Our need to move, travel, seek adventure. Living on the boat, yet still tied to the dock we do have the freedom to move.  Being involved with  TMCA here in Texas keeps us moving and active.  Our promise to keep the boat ready to sail is still being accomplished.  It only takes a few minutes and we can take off.  Hopefully we get to make the big jump to full time cruising next winter if things go well.  After the elections it might be time to get the heck out of town. Check out TMCA!   So yesterday since the days are starting to get a bit longer and we have a warm day in the low 70's it is ti...