South Texas can have some really nice cruising days in February.  You can tell it is going to be a great weekend when we see all the cars coming in on a Friday night into the marina with all the weekenders.  For us it is just another day living the life the only way we know how to.  We really try to keep the boat ready to go, and gain all the experience we can from each trip we take.  We did get a late start, but made great time getting down to Red Fish Island.  The wind was perfect for a good sail and we did not have to adjust anything after we got the course set and sails set.  It was really nice to feel the wind in the sails and enjoy not hearing a motor run.  We get to Red Fish anchor out with our MANTUS anchor, and dinghy over to Mr. Happy which is a 65 foot Johnson that a Doctor has.  She is very proud of her "Johnson"!  They sponsored the party and had margaritas, and Mexican food.  Five boats decided to stay the night, with mild weather predicted, why not. After dark we took our dinghies to shore and built a fire and watched big ships come up the Houston ship channel. We had fun and lots of laughs from the group, and it is strange that boating really erases age gaps in people, we are in our early 50's and we have friends younger and older than us.  We have the water and boating in our blood that binds us as a huge family.

Later that night that was suppose to be calm, but the winds picked up to 20 plus knots, and shifted out of the SW and we are not protected from that.  Our depth is only about 9 ft so I put out 50 feet of chain with my MANTUS, put my snubber on and let out more chain until the snubber had the load.  I set my anchor alarm pretty tight and we never moved all night.  I did get up to fix a clanging lines, and noticed one of the boats had dragged over 100 yards.  Talking with them in the morning they had for sure dragged, but caught and he let out more chain.  He figures not enough scope and the bouncing pulled his RONCA up.

Sunday morning was very foggy, and it laid in till about 11 am  before we could actually head back. Once we had some visibility we fired up the AIS and Radar to make our way out for the journey home. The wind was just not there so the WesterBeast provided the iron wind for the journey back.

Playing with a new video editor, I AM STILL LEARNING it so be kind. This is just highlights from this weekend.  Enjoy and thank you for following our adventure.



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