Make a Impact on your Sailing Grounds
A big part of moving onto the water and living on our boat, and living the cruising lifestyle. We want to experience the areas we travel in. To learn the culture, food, sports, music, etc.. We also want to make an impact on the areas we are in even if it is a small thing. To leave a positive wake behind our vessel and travels.
While still in Kemah I kept seeing Capt. Dave across the pier from us take out children, adults, some appeared to have noticeable disabilities, some were not. We asked him what or who he was involved with. Myself being a huge sceptic in Non-Profits (mainly because most the money never really makes it to the person we want it to have an affect on) so I am very cautious on what I involve myself with. Capt. Dave told me about Sailing Angels, and I was hooked. 100% of the money is involved with the people they serve. 100% volunteer!
They have taken children out with various disabilities, children at risk, battered women, wounded warriors etc. We provide them a short sail normally about 3 hours, show the basics of boating, sailing skills, or just to have a day to chill and take it all in. I really cannot tell you how it makes your heart fill with joy when you see either a child, parent, or adult smile for themselves or the joy this is bringing the loved one they brought.
We as boaters know how the water makes us feel, the joy and peace it brings us. Share IT! Impact people you encounter and leave a positive wake!
This week I took out a family who son had Williams Syndrome.
They can be severe or mild, and some are high music aptitude, or math skills. My crew this week focused on music and math. I showed him the course to keep and at 8 yo he stirred the boat for well over 30 with out any help. I was amazed! The smiles on the Father and Mother were overwhelming.

While still in Kemah I kept seeing Capt. Dave across the pier from us take out children, adults, some appeared to have noticeable disabilities, some were not. We asked him what or who he was involved with. Myself being a huge sceptic in Non-Profits (mainly because most the money never really makes it to the person we want it to have an affect on) so I am very cautious on what I involve myself with. Capt. Dave told me about Sailing Angels, and I was hooked. 100% of the money is involved with the people they serve. 100% volunteer!
They have taken children out with various disabilities, children at risk, battered women, wounded warriors etc. We provide them a short sail normally about 3 hours, show the basics of boating, sailing skills, or just to have a day to chill and take it all in. I really cannot tell you how it makes your heart fill with joy when you see either a child, parent, or adult smile for themselves or the joy this is bringing the loved one they brought.
We as boaters know how the water makes us feel, the joy and peace it brings us. Share IT! Impact people you encounter and leave a positive wake!
This week I took out a family who son had Williams Syndrome.
They can be severe or mild, and some are high music aptitude, or math skills. My crew this week focused on music and math. I showed him the course to keep and at 8 yo he stirred the boat for well over 30 with out any help. I was amazed! The smiles on the Father and Mother were overwhelming.

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